Dear Parents, Guardians and Well-wishers,
Welcome to Royal Private English School, Fujairah.
“Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the
world as it should be?”
- Barack Obama
A warm welcome to you from the entire team of Royal
Private English School, Fujairah.
Royal Private English School, Fujairah provides a
holistic learning experience in which each student can
flourish, develop, and excel both academically and personally.
The school website provides the details about admission,
curriculum, activities, policies, circulars, newsletters etc.
Covid has held a mirror up to our education system that
how should it be flexible and dynamic. It’s shown us the
remarkable creativity and resilience of teachers, the
extraordinary determination of school leaders and the vital
role education plays in holding our communities together.
A 21st century education is about giving students the
skills they need to succeed in this new world and helping them
grow the confidence to practice those skills, with so much
information readily available to them, 21st century skills
focus more on making sense of that information, sharing and
using it smart ways. Here in RPES, we do emphasise on
developing the “Skills for Life”.
Nowadays emotional intelligence (EQ) is one of the most
important keys to successful work and relationships. We
believe in empowering our students with transferable skills
that will hold up to a rapidly changing world.
Our vision is to create a happy, caring, stimulating
learning environment in which students and their teachers
recognize and develop the students’ fullest potential in a
spirit of mutual respect and cooperation. It is our sincere
endeavour to provide the highest quality education to our
students that will equip them with knowledge, skill,
personality traits and value systems necessary for them to
function effectively in the future as responsible adults and
exemplary citizens of the world.
RPES, focuses on forming individuals who are
intellectually advanced & culturally refined, provides a
spectrum of opportunities for students to nurture their innate
talents. All reasonable opportunities are offered to foster
leadership qualities and respect for others, and we are
certain in ensuring the smooth transition of a child to a
mature, responsible and committed individual.
RPES offers both the IGCSE (KG1 to G 11) and the CBSE
(KG1 to G 12) curriculum, perhaps one of the very few schools
offering dual curricula in this part of the world. The school
is home to 39 nationalities and has multicultural milieu.
I look forward to meeting all of you and please do not
hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or ideas
you would like to share.